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At Kasisi Foundation we believe that giving to others changes the world and brings happiness. We share what we can with the children of Kasisi and they in turn share their joy with us. Get to know and love them and join Kasisi’s mission today!

our history

The first child is brought to the dominican sisters home

The little girl was orphaned when her mother was trying to escape the burning bush. Trapped in a ring of fire, the woman lay down on the ground to protect her daughter from the fire. The girl survived and was taken in by the Sisters, who named her Paulina. Two years later, the Mission in Kasisi was taken over by the sisters of the Servant of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception from the Polish Old Village. The few orphans had to fit into a small house. They may have lived in spartan conditions but the sisters more than made up for it with their unconditional love and willingness to fight for each child’s life.


Sister Mariola Mierzejewska, who runs the house till this day, arrives in Kasisi

There were 40 residents, including several newborns, at this time. The 1990s saw a sharp increase in the number of HIV infections and were the beginning of a time marked by the dramatic social situation of the orphans, the lowest-ranking group on the social ladder. At the turn of the new century, the number of residents exceeded 100. During this time, Kasisi relied solely on donations raised by the sisters, who managed to build out the existing space in order to have the capacity to take in every child in need of care.



On April 11, 2013, Kasisi Foundation was established with its mission to help children by providing ongoing and stable support for a Zambian orphanage. We started by responding to the facility’s most urgent needs and raised the funds to purchase an ambulance, which has saved the lives of many residents and continues to serve the foundation to this day. The foundation is based on crowdfunding, both financial as well as emotional and spiritual. We don’t ask for a lot as we believe in the power that comes from many people giving small amounts. We know that helping others shouldn’t be about making huge sacrifices. Instead we see it as a source of joy that comes from knowing that one is creating a whole new world. We’re already doing our part – now it’s your turn.


Exemplary facility in Zambia

Since its inception, the foundation has raised over 10 million PLN for Kasisi. We have been able to renovate and equip a small home clinic, buy an ambulance, stock up on better home supplies, and raise the quality of nutrition. We’ve also built a house for girls and we are able to pay for renovations, school bills and medical treatment. We’ve sent children abroad for medical exams. We’ve also financed scholarships for two children, who are fulfilling their dreams of obtaining university degrees in Europe. We have so many more ideas for new projects. Join us today and become part of Kasisi’s history!

Our most precious residents

Adoptions from the heart

If you want to support one of our children, you can virtually adopt them. This will allow you to see how they are doing on their profile page. Virtual adoption creates a special emotional bond, while the regular support allows the child to look forward to a bright future.

what do we provide?


We never turn any child away. We put the children into groups based on their age so that they can play, have fun and learn with their peers. If a child has family, we make sure they stay in touch with them. Kasisi, which has been recognized by local authorities as an exemplary facility in Zambia, is increasingly providing emergency shelter for children in critical situations, many of them victims of domestic violence or human trafficking. We offer them housing as well as a safe space, a true home.

Love and Support

The sisters in Kasisi do everything in their power to make sure that the young Zambians they look after grow into educated, sensitive and loving adults who will change their country to minimize suffering. Because of this, the “capital” we invest in them will benefit more than just one generation. There are currently 250 children in Kasisi, some of them suffering from HIV, pneumonia and anemia. We have also seen an increase in the number of children with intellectual and physical disabilities. Thankfully, not all have health problems, but regardless of their health, they all need love and professional care.

A Chance for a Better

The foundation’s support lets us feed and provide medical care as well as housing to our children, but we also hope to help them develop into open-minded and curious children with the courage to dream big! Our goal is to show them that even though their life circumstances led them to an orphanage, they aren’t less worthy than others. The foundation’s support enables us to fulfill their dreams when it comes to education. We pay for the tuition for all of our children, which in Zambia is not free. With your support we can plan their futures without any limitations and continue to send them to the best schools in Zambia and abroad.

Friends and Childhood Joy

We believe every child deserves a real childhood – carefree, full of fun, love and the freedom to explore the world. We strive to recreate this for our pupils but for some, this is an entirely new experience. We try to respond to each child’s individual needs. We love them like our own and we encourage you to join their circle of friends.

Spend a little, help a lot

shop for kasisi

Our website allows you to get involved both in long term projects, such as Adoption from the Heart, as well as make one-off donations that will make a real change on the life of children in Kasisi. See for yourself that kindness always returns!


Therapeutic milk

We have saved Lontie from malnutrition. Help us restock out therapeutic milk supplies for other children!

Hospital stay

Zambian healthcare is not free. Help us treat children in need of hospitalization.

Library books

At Kasisi, we look after our young one’s future from an early age. Support us in our efforts to create bright futures for our children from an early age.

Fuel for an ambulance

Purchase fuel for our ambulance so that it’s ready to save our children!

Toys & Fun

By indulging our children and providing them with toys and fun activities, we hope to erase bad memories gained before coming to Kasisi.
Kindness always comes back!

Heart for a heart

Regular support is critical to our mission. Thanks to your regular donations, our Sisters don’t have to worry about the future – how they will buy food or pay next month’s hospital bills. We give the children of Kasisi whatever we can and they in turn, share their lives with us. Thanks to this exchange, Kasisi is a place full of life and joy. For each 1 PLN you spend, you will receive 1 point, which equals 1 heart. Collect at least 150 hearts to receive a special gift.

Support Kasisi

Support Kasisi by making purchases on our website. Make sure to always add your mailing address in the payments form.

Collect hearts

You will receive 1 point for each 1 PLN you spend. 1 point = 1 heart.

Receive a special gift!

Collect hearts and exchange them for special gifts. 

Join us and stay in touch!


Sign up today to receive updates on current events, Kasisi’s progress, ongoing projects, and our sister Foundation, Good Factory.

Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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