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Thanks to your continuous support, this year the people whom the foundation is helping received 1 861 796,35 PLN

Date added: 01.01.2022

Dear Friends!!!

The only thing we can think of as the year comes to an end is to say THANK YOU!!!

It has not been an easy year. The virus that has devastated our everyday life has also affected our Kasisi. At least 50 of our residents, all of the sisters and many of our staff suffered from the disease. Closed borders and the fear of causing even more damage to the Home meant that for months we were unable to get there and take care of the residents. However, thanks to you, they did not feel lonely even for a moment!!!

Isolation, closed schools and crazy currency exchange rates affected us a lot, but your constant, systematic support for Kasisi meant that nothing was missing in this most joyful home on the other side of the equator. Indeed, the “Adoptions from the Heart” project – so important for the sisters, allowing them to look to the future with peace of mind – this year raised a historic amount of 1 547 550,37 PLN for those in our care.

Thanks to you, the sisters do not have to put aside money for food today in fear of whether they will be able to pay for the hospital next month. Steady transfers and a predictable budget make it possible to make  the children’s dreams of attending the best schools, living in warm, cosy rooms and having new opportunities to pursue their passions a reality. Only recently, we were proud to cheer on the young artists whose work is displayed in the national gallery in Lusaka.

In this difficult year, full of fear and danger, you were with us and did not let our children lose their sense of security, even for a moment.

Thanks to your continuous support, the people in the foundation’s care received 1,861,796.35 PLN this year. Here you will find a detailed summary of our activities. We are bragging, because GOOD should be bragged about!

In the New Year, we wish you nothing but bright days from the bottom of our hearts. Fewer worries and much, much health. And that you experience as much good in your lives as you give to others. Stay with us for another year!!! Our kids are going to need you VERY much!

Join us and stay in touch!


Sign up today to receive updates on current events, Kasisi’s progress, ongoing projects, and our sister Foundation, Good Factory.

Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,406 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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