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Anastasia 9 y/o

Birthday: 25.04.2015
With Kasisi since: 14.11.2016

Anastasia’s story is a testament to the idea that hope is the last to die. When she arrived at Kasisi, she was just two years old, suffering from malnutrition. She was exhausted and very weak. Brought to us from a hospital, where the doctors said that her body couldn’t combat the disease, and that medicine was helpless; her final moments should be spent at home. They said she has no chance of surviving. Fortunately, the sisters at Kasisi never give up easily and always fight to the end. For many weeks, our HOME became an intense therapy unit – with a lot of love. The road to health wasn’t easy or short. We fought for her when the doctors were helpless. It’s hard to imagine what she went through, how many twists she has already faced in her life. For a long time, making Anastasia smile was almost impossible. Today, she is unrecognizable, filled with so much smile and energy that surely will be enough for a long and beautiful life.

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How am I doing?

She has grown into a serious and responsible girl, which doesn't stop her from smiling a lot. She knows what she wants from life. She always leads the whole group from Kasisi to school.
JULY 2023
She is doing great in school. She is very resourceful. We don't have any problems with her.

She has started first grade. She is very independent. She has a lot of self-confidence. A smile is her trademark. She leads the way in the group. When you look at her now, it is hard to believe that this child was once fighting for her life.

Anastasia is doing well. She is still in kindergarten. The girl is very independent and cheerful. She is not ill, and it is hard to believe that we are looking at the same child that we saved from death when she came to Kasisi. No one visits her.
JUNE 2021
A born leader. She has a very strong personality, can stand her ground and always achieves her goals. She is in preschool.
She is hitting all her developmental milestones. She is a natural born leader who is always cheerful and optimistic.
MAY 2019
She knows what she wants, a true queen of the household. She is serious when she needs to be but she is also very cheerful. She loves getting her picture taken.
MAY 2017
Anastasia has been eating for two and already weighs more than five kgs! This may not seem like a lot for a two-year-old but what a difference compared to her initial weight. These days, she feels much better. She has lots of energy and a sweet tooth, and enjoys playing with Bella who visits her regularly. We are also treating abscesses that developed at an injection site on her head during her last hospitalization, as well as an allergic reaction she had in response to one of the medications. Her will to live is incredible - despite all the difficulties and health problems she’s been through, some so serious it wasn’t clear whether she would make it, she is alive and well today thanks to sheer determination.
MARCH 2017
Anastasia is still in the hospital. Her weight has gone up to 5.5 kg. This is still not enough for a 2-year-old child, but she hasn’t given up and continues to fight for her life.
More pain for Anastasia… This time, she developed stomach problems and was up all night throwing up and with the runs, which had an immediate impact on her already very low body weight. Doctor Ola examined her and found oozing wounds in her ears so Anastasia is now headed to the hospital for medical tests and another round of antibiotics.
She feels better with each day and smiles more often. It seems like her treatment is showing results.
Anastasia started her tuberculosis treatment, which can take a heavy toll on the body. Her body is very weak even without such a serious treatment so she needs as much support as she can get from all of us. She has been fighting for her life ever since she arrived at Kasisi and continues to put on a brave face.
Our precious Anastasia was just baptised.
Today, all of Kasisi is focused on Anastasia, who is very weak and has been receiving a series of vaccinations over the past few days. We ask that you send your thoughts and prayers and show her the support she needs now. We don’t have any good news just yet, she continues to lose weight and her medication has taken a toll on her frail body. We still have hope, however, that she will make a turn for the better and make a full recovery in time.
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Support my

needs and wishes

+3 hearts


3.00 PLN
Set of sensory toys
+80 hearts

Set of sensory toys

80.00 PLN
Stuffed toys
+15 hearts

Stuffed toys

15.00 PLN
Vegetable basket
+15 hearts

Vegetable basket

15.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents



Wiktoria Rożek


Ewelina Korzun

Olga Romaszewska



Madzia, Domi, Nadka

Ewelina Korzun

Michał I Dorota




Patrycja Sirek

Anna Kowalczyk


RodzIna Rojkow

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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,356 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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