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Christopher 17 y/o

Birthday: 30.11.2007
With Kasisi since: 08.12.2009

Christopher came to us from the hospice. His condition has improved a lot in Kasisi. The Sisters cured him of his hunger disease and stabilised his treatment for other conditions. Christopher is a very cheerful child. He is always full of ideas, loves new people, new situations, but he needs affection. He is a classic snuggler.

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How am I doing?

MARCH 2024
He’s in the tenth grade. He has growth issues and is growing very slowly. He likes to play soccer.
JULY 2023
What is the world's worst punishment? Being banned from playing football. For it, Christopher will sacrifice almost everything.  Almost, because he also cares about school. He applies himself diligently to his studies, resulting in his good results. He is already at the end of the eighth grade :)

He is serious, but also very sensible. Despite his short height, he tries to keep up with his peers in everything and does not cut himself any slack. He has many friends. He works on a farm with the Jesuit fathers.

JULY 2022

He is in the eighth grade. He is very good at reading. He draws beautifully and attends painting lessons every Saturday in Kasisi. On Saturdays and on his free afternoons, he very much enjoys playing football with his friends at the nearby football field. His favourite subject at school is English. In the future he would like to become a nurse.

JUNE 2021
The boy is not growing, probably due to a chronic illness. He is cheerful and friendly. He loves going on trips.
He is having growth issues but we are looking into them. He just started seventh grade and loves playing football. He's started coming out of his shell and has become more talkative.
JUNE 2015
He is a very calm and well-behaved young boy. He's in the first grade and gets along with everyone.
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Support my

needs and wishes

+18 hearts


18.00 PLN
Breakfast for a student
+12 hearts

Breakfast for a student

12.00 PLN
Trip voucher
+100 hearts

Trip voucher

100.00 PLN
+3 hearts


3.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents







Arleta Wiśniewska

Arleta Wiśniewska



Renata P

Basia i Karol


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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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