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John 14 y/o

Birthday: 03.06.2010
With Kasisi since: 07.06.2010

He was just four days old when he was brought to Kasisi. His mother is mentally ill and we’re not sure she’s even aware of his existence. He was put up for adoption but returned to the orphanage after his adoptive mother became overwhelmed by fear.

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How am I doing?

John faced serious difficulties in learning and mental health challenges, so we made the decision to enroll him in a special needs school where he can receive the proper help and support. The school has proven to be the right place for him—John is happy in this new environment, which is definitely benefiting him.
APRIL 2024
John is currently not feeling his best. His mental state leaves much to be desired. He’s on medication and under constant supervision by specialists. Keep your fingers crossed for him.
MARCH 2023

He is doing poorly in school. Physically he is developing properly, but his intellectual development is not what it should be. We are trying to help him.

JULY 2022

He is repeating the fourth grade. The aunties are working with him and he has made progress. He has already improved his results. He likes the individual lessons. He works well then. He is a calm boy.

MAY 2021
He is in the fourth grade. He is very shy, but at the same time when he is with other boys he gets into trouble all the time. He is doing well in school, only maths gives him some problems.
MAY 2019
He's a very earnest and polite boy who enjoys helping out with tidying up. He also likes going to school and taking trips to town.
JULY 2018
John is in the second grade. He's really come out of his shell ever since he started school. He's become more talkative, confident and outgoing.
JUNE 2016
John will start school in January. The failed adoption left a lasting effect on him - he doesn't speak a lot and needs some time to get used to being at Kasisi again.
JUNE 2015
He's come out of his shell and become more outgoing. He is happy and healthy. He lives in Martin's House.
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Support my

needs and wishes

Books for our library
+25 hearts

Books for our library

25.00 PLN
Trip voucher
+100 hearts

Trip voucher

100.00 PLN
+10 hearts


10.00 PLN
Medical diagnostic tests
+75 hearts

Medical diagnostic tests

75.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents


Patrycja Kepka



Krystian Kowalczyk


Radek Miklaszewski





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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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