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Nacia 9 y/o

Birthday: 10.10.2015
With Kasisi since: 01.11.2019

Nacia came to Kasisi in the first days of November 2019. It was a time full of emotions and challenges, both for her and for us. When she arrived, it was immediately clear that she was in very poor condition. She was extremely neglected and malnourished. Her mother was also in a very difficult situation – due to serious health problems, she was hospitalized and unable to care for her daughter. From the moment Nacia crossed our threshold, we surrounded her with care. She received clean, fragrant clothes and a warm, nutritious meal, which was the first step towards improving her health. Day by day, her physical and mental condition improved, and a smile appeared more and more often on her face. This place became a new beginning for her, a place where she could regain her childhood and the joy of life.

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How am I doing?

JULY 2024
When Nacia's father started visiting her regularly, there was hope that he would soon take her home. These visits were a source of true joy for her. During their last meeting, the man even expressed his desire for Nacia to return home with him. Unfortunately, he hasn't returned to Kasisi since then. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but he never came back or called.
JULY 2023
Lately, her dad has been coming to see her regularly. The girl's heart certainly starts beating faster then. Dad plans to take her on holiday, but he has understood that he needs time for the girl to get used to the new situation. We hope that these special meetings will bring a lot of good emotions and opportunities to build their relationship. Nacia needs love and patience to gain confidence and grow beautifully.
Nacia, although still shy, is opening up more and more to others. She goes to kindergarten in Kasisi. She is a very lovable and well-behaved child.
MAY 2021
Nacia is growing beautifully. She is a bit shy and needs time before she can trust adults. She loves her little brother. No one visits them, although social services have mentioned that they are to return to their family.
In hospital taking care of her own serious mental health problems, Nacia's mom is too sick to take care of her very young daughter.
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Support my

needs and wishes

Books for our library
+25 hearts

Books for our library

25.00 PLN
Breakfast for a student
+12 hearts

Breakfast for a student

12.00 PLN
+4 hearts


4.00 PLN
+18 hearts


18.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents

Agata Z

Niepubliczne Przedszkole Hop-Siup z oddziałami integracyjnymi

Basia K.

Ewa B.


Anna Gawrych




Nasza Nacia

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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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