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Patience 18 y/o

Birthday: 03.12.2006
With Kasisi since: 01.09.2007

The girl was brought to Kasisi by people from an organization that helps women living on the streets. Sadly, her mother passed away, leaving young Patience without the care and support of her closest relative. When she came to Kasisi, she was just an infant. Patience stands out for her quiet and calm nature. She is rather shy and rarely draws attention to herself. The girl needs a lot of attention, warmth, and love to help her feel secure. Despite the hardships she has faced early in life, Patience displays an extraordinary sensitivity and gentleness, making her special in the eyes of everyone who gets to know her.

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How am I doing?

JULY 2024
Despite the recent turbulent moments Patience experienced at boarding school, we managed to convince her that it is truly a good school, worth staying in. Although she initially had many doubts and difficulties, she gradually began to see the benefits of studying there. With the support of teachers and friends, Patience was able to overcome her fears and focus on her studies. Her academic performance has significantly improved.
JULY 2023
Patience, although she has endured her first year at boarding school well, is now signalling that she wants to return to Kasisi. She will finish ninth grade in December and has two years of secondary school left. We are strongly encouraging her to stay. She is in a very good school. We are quietly hoping that this sudden reluctance is just adolescent rebellion, something we have gone through so many times before. In January, after the summer holidays, we will finally find out where Patience will continue her education.
JULY 2022

She goes to a boarding school in Katondwe. She is in the eighth grade. This is her first year outside Kasisi. She has taken the change well. She studies hard, but she is coping. She has a lot of friends.

JUNE 2021
She is happy to live at House of Mercy. She will be taking her final exams in primary school in October. Always happy to help in the kitchen and to take care of young children. She likes painting.
JULY 2020
She attends the sixth grade and is doing very well in school. She is a very good at playing the drums. She is very popular with her peers and enjoys participating in Saturday debates.
Patience is doing well. She is part of the dance group and is a great dancer. She gets good grades in school.
She's about to start sixth grade. She's very proactive and enjoys helping others.
JUNE 2016
She is in the fourth grade and doing well. She recently split her head open on the playground but didn't seem too bothered and continues to monkey around as if nothing ever happened.
JUNE 2015
She's very shy and needs a lot of coaxing to get involved in any group events. She feels most comfortable in the company of younger children.
view older
Support my

needs and wishes

+4 hearts


4.00 PLN
+10 hearts


10.00 PLN
Nshima (cornmeal porridge)
+3 hearts

Nshima (cornmeal porridge)

3.00 PLN
Vegetable basket
+15 hearts

Vegetable basket

15.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents





Tomek Krzyżak

Małgorzata Widmańska


Edyta , Janusz


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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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