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Precious 9 y/o

Birthday: 27.11.2015
With Kasisi since: 03.12.2015

Precious was born prematurely, in the sixth month of pregnancy. A week after her birth, she was brought to Kasisi from a hospital about 300 kilometers away. At that time, her mother was seriously ill, and to this day, we have no information about her fate. Precious is a girl who radiates immense love and warm feelings. She can sometimes be a bit possessive, especially when she gets very attached to a volunteer. This shows her need for closeness and attention. Despite a slight developmental delay, Precious manages well in her daily life. She is a child full of determination and joy, constantly surprising us with her strength.



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How am I doing?

JULY 2024
Precious has started attending a regular school, where she is determined to achieve the best possible academic results. She approaches her school duties with dedication every day, dreaming of high grades. Although as a premature baby, she sometimes shows developmental challenges, her progress is remarkable. Thanks to the support she receives from the other girls at Kasisi, Precious has gained incredible self-confidence.
JULY 2023
Precious is a girl who carries an enormous amount of love and affection. Although she can be a little possessive at times, especially when she becomes very fond of a volunteer, this only emphasises her need for closeness and attention. Her attitude towards the people she cherishes, is proof of how much she has to offer. Despite a slight delay in development, Precious is doing well and leading a normal life. In the second grade she shows that nothing is impossible for her.

Precious goes to school. She is in a special needs class. Both at school and at home, she needs a lot of help, attention and support. She returns all this with a smile. She is a very loving girl.
MAY 2021
She is in the first grade at a school outside Kasisi. She has some difficulties at school and is very quiet but well liked.
MAY 2019
She is bright and well-behaved. She was recently transferred to an older age group to Edmund's House. She likes coloring.
JUNE 2017
Precious has just recovered from tuberculosis and now she caught malaria. Despite all this, she is a wonderful, smiling and energetic child. What an inspiration!
JUNE 2016
Our little girl is growing right before our eyes! She is undergoing treatment for tuberculosis and responding well to the medication.
The New Year has brought us a precious gift and sense of urgency. Precious, a courageous preemie, was brought the hospital. But we can't rest easy, for her heart and lungs aren't performing as they should just yet. On top of that, she has anemia. We have just gotten word from her doctors that her condition is stable and we are all very hopeful. We are keeping our fingers crossed and holding our breath, but we need your prayers.
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Support my

needs and wishes

+4 hearts


4.00 PLN
Books for our library
+25 hearts

Books for our library

25.00 PLN
ART supplies
+17 hearts

ART supplies

17.00 PLN
+10 hearts


10.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents



Michał i Karola


Daria i Andrzej




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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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