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Rebecca 11 y/o

Birthday: 17.06.2013
With Kasisi since: 31.12.2013

The girl’s mother brought her to Kasisi, claiming that her daughter was HIV-positive. After thorough testing, it was found that she’s healthy and free of the virus. Rebecca is cheerful, though she is not very active within her group of peers. However, in the company of those she trusts the most, she becomes lively and energetic. Recently, Rebecca’s mother returned to Kasisi in an even more challenging life situation. She has four other children to support and faces enormous problems. Although she cannot provide Rebecca with a stable home, she regularly receives food assistance from Kasisi to help her through these difficult times. The Sisters make every effort to ensure that Rebecca and her siblings receive the necessary help and support, hoping that the future will bring better days for them.


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How am I doing?

JULY 2024
Rebecca is going through a difficult time as her mother has stopped visiting and only comes to Kasisi for money. Despite this, Rebecca remains warm, kind, and always ready to help others. We provide her with emotional support to somewhat compensate for the lack of maternal closeness. We strive to ensure she feels accepted and loved.
JULY 2023
Rebecca is a quiet girl. She is in the 4th grade. Although she is not very active in her peer group, with the people she enjoys the most, she comes across as spirited and energetic. Her family situation is complicated; her mother has recently reappeared in Kasisi. She is in a very difficult situation and has four other children to support. She receives regular support from us in the form of food.
JULY 2022
The girl was not doing well in school, so she was transferred to a special class. This serves to prepare her for normal schooling. As soon as she can catch up with the programme, she will be in a normal class again. She loves singing; whenever her vocal skills need to be showcased, she immediately volunteers
JUNE 2021
She is in the first grade at a school outside Kasisi. Always smiling but quiet, she observes everything before she speaks.
MAY 2019
She's currently in preschool. She's very active, she loves to paint and watch TV. She gets along with other children.
JULY 2018
She lives in Edmund's House. Like all preschoolers, she loves playtime!
JUNE 2017
Rebecca's growth is on track and she's doing well.
JUNE 2016
She's joined the toddler group. We are trying to find an adoptive family for her. She's a very bright, talkative young girl with leadership qualities.
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Support my

needs and wishes

+10 hearts


10.00 PLN
Vegetable basket
+15 hearts

Vegetable basket

15.00 PLN
Books for our library
+25 hearts

Books for our library

25.00 PLN
ART supplies
+17 hearts

ART supplies

17.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents





Małgorzata Mikuła

Anna Czajkowska


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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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