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Sandra 21 y/o

Birthday: 02.07.2003
With Kasisi since: 02.08.2003

Sandra was brought to Kasisi as a newborn by her father, who visits her occasionally. She is very mature for her age. She is a resourceful, bright and loving young girl. Kasisi is her family. She is always smiling. Sandra enjoys drawing, running, and looking after the younger children.

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How am I doing?

JULY 2024
Sandra has returned to her father. Although he’s doing his best to provide her with everything she needs, he is not yet able to handle all the challenges of caring for his daughter on his own. We continue to support her through the "Adoptions from the Heart" program.
JULY 2023
Sandra is a girl with a heart of gold who shows her kindness through her love of animals and nature. Although the school walls are not her favourite place to be, the empathy and sensitivity she has make her a special person. Sandra is often ill and requires constant medical care. But this also means she needs a lot of love, support and attention.
JULY 2022

She lived with her dad for a while. She returned to Kasisi. She was very neglected and has health problems. She is in the eighth grade. She will stay with us now.

JUNE 2021
She lives with her seriously ill father. We pay for her school and support the whole family. She is in the eighth grade and always comes over for holidays.
Sandra went to spend her school holidays with her father and hasn't been able to return due to Covid-19. They've called us to let us know that everything is going fine. Her father recently re-married and his new wife loves Sandra.
Sandra, who spent the last few days at House of Hope, is now back with her friends at the House of Mercy and slowly recovering. Her body has to heal and regain strength so we are providing a special diet, vitamins and minerals in the hopes that she gets better. Fingers crossed for her speedy recovery!
JULY 2018
Sandra lives in the House of Mercy. Now that she's older, she can take trips to visit her father and grandmother. She might stay with them for longer.
Sandra was visited by her father who is very sick with pneumonia. She calls him once a week.
JUNE 2016
Sandra is a very kind and caring girl. She enjoys helping out the sisters. She's in the fourth grade. Her father is gravely ill.
JUNE 2015
She is receiving medical treatment. Her dad visits her occasionally. She belongs to the Kasisi choir and enjoys taking care of younger children.
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Support my

needs and wishes

Books for our library
+25 hearts

Books for our library

25.00 PLN
+10 hearts


10.00 PLN
Medical diagnostic tests
+75 hearts

Medical diagnostic tests

75.00 PLN
Vegetable basket
+15 hearts

Vegetable basket

15.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents







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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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