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Veronica Mavis 17 y/o

Birthday: 18.01.2008
With Kasisi since: 25.01.2008

Veronica was brought to Kasisi from the hospital when she was still an infant. Since then, despite various hardships, she has consistently radiated joy and happiness. Some time ago, we tried to have her live with her family, but she quickly returned to Kasisi because those she loved did not allow her to continue her education. Although that period was full of challenges, now, with the perspective of time, Veronica has realized that it was Kasisi that opened the door to a better future for her. This short but intense life lesson has strengthened her conviction about the crucial role of support which she constantly receives in her new Home.

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How am I doing?

Veronica is making great strides in her studies, a testament to her dedication and determination. Recently, she has become more mature and focused, which has positively impacted her approach to school responsibilities. Her progress is noticeable, and the skills she’s developing are boosting her confidence. It’s clear that with each passing day, she’s becoming not only a better student but also a more responsible individual, ready for new challenges.
JULY 2023
Veronica lived with her family for a while. She quickly returned because her relatives did not allow her to go to school. Although she took it very hard, things are now back to normal and Veronica realises that she has a chance for a better future in Kasisi. This short but intense life lesson has further reinforced her belief in the importance of education and the support she receives in Kasisi.

She is in the seventh grade. She is preparing for her final exams in primary school. This takes up most of her free time. As soon as she has a break, she runs to the babies to help feed them.

JUNE 2021
She is in the sixth grade. She is very friendly, considerate and looks after the younger children. She gets up early in the morning to help her younger friend. She likes flowers.
MAY 2019
She helps out in the kitchen every day before school. She likes to play on the playground and look after the younger children. Her aunt recently visited her, she was very happy to see her.
Veronika always has a smile on her face! She will start the third grade this year.
JUNE 2016
She lives in Martin's House and attends the first grade. She is thin but healthy.
JUNE 2015
Veronika's teeth failed to develop for a long time but they are now finally growing. She lives in Martin's House and attends the Big Five preschool. She's very cheerful.
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Support my

needs and wishes

Breakfast for a student
+12 hearts

Breakfast for a student

12.00 PLN
+4 hearts


4.00 PLN
Medical diagnostic tests
+75 hearts

Medical diagnostic tests

75.00 PLN
+18 hearts


18.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents


Anna S.

Kasia i Tomek


Helena i Marcel


Dorota Świetlicka

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Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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