my collected hearts

Collect heart points and exchange them for gifts in the program Heart for a Heart. To view your heart collection, enter the email address you registered while making purchases for Kasisi.

Shopping cart
Helping is rewarding

heart for a heart

look what we have in store

for you

Do you make recurring donations to support children at Kasisi? You can exchange hearts collected through the rewards program for fantastic gifts!

Here you can explore what types of gifts we offer as a thank you for your support. Check your points and follow the instructions in the email sent to you to redeem a gift once you have collected enough points.


Malachite heart keychain
1000 hearts

Malachite heart keychain

Bath Scrubber
150 hearts

Bath Scrubber

African beaded necklace
200 hearts

African beaded necklace

Decorative bird
300 hearts

Decorative bird

Wooden Pen
350 hearts

Wooden Pen

African surprise
400 hearts

African surprise

Wooden bowl

400 hearts

Wooden bowl

Ebony figure
450 hearts

Ebony figure

Ebony sugar bowl
500 hearts

Ebony sugar bowl

Decorative Bowl
550 hearts

Decorative Bowl

Woven basket
600 hearts

Woven basket

Malachite bead necklace
750 hearts

Malachite bead necklace

Kindness always comes back!

Become a
sustaining donor

Heart for a Heart is Kasisi Foundation’s Rewards Program. We created it to show our gratitude to those who opened up their hearts by donating small amounts for Shopping for Kasisi that make a huge difference in the lives of our children.

Recurring donations are the backbone of our foundation. As a thank you for your support, we offer one heart in return for each 1 PLN you donate. Once you collect at least 150 hearts, you will receive a very special gift from our foundation.


Regularly support Shopping for Kasisi, always providing your email address in the payment forms

Collect hearts

You will receive 1 point for each 1 PLN you spend. 1 point = 1 heart.

Receive a special gift!

Collect hearts and exchange them for special gifts.

Heart for a heart

How to collect points?

To receive a heart, make a donation on Shop for Kasisi (1 PLN = 1 heart) 

Points will be added to the email associated with your account. In order to ensure points are added to the right account, make sure you always use the same email address.

check your points

Enter the email address you provided on the payments form. Remember to always use the same email to make sure the points are credited to your account!

Join us and stay in touch!


Sign up today to receive updates on current events, Kasisi’s progress, ongoing projects, and our sister Foundation, Good Factory.

Urgent help needed

Passport to the Future – Donate a School Starter Kit

A school kit includes notebooks, allowing children to study at home. It also includes a pair of shoes, which, if not for Kasisi, they would have to borrow from their siblings. And finally, a delicious, healthy sandwich in the backpack, which gives them the energy they need for their studies. Just like the sandwich their mother would prepare. You can pack one into their backpack today—from right here, from your own home.


we have:
14,426 PLN
we need:
9,000 PLN
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